Durr Request for Clemency Support,
Kathleen McGarry
P.O. Box 310
Glorieta, New Mexico 87535
Phone: (505) 757-3989
Fax: 888-470-6313
E-Mail: kate@kmcgarrylaw.com
August 6, 2009
RE: Clemency for Darryl Durr
We are writing on behalf of our client, Darryl Durr, an Ohio Death Row Inmate who is
scheduled to be executed on November 10, 2009. Mr. Durr’s last chance to avoid execution will be a clemency hearing scheduled for September 30, 2009. We are asking you to write a letter of support for Darryl. Please address the letter to:
Governor Ted Strickland
Governor's Office
Riffe Center, 30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215‐6108
However, I would like you to send the letter to me (Kathleen McGarry) at the address on my letterhead. The reason I am having you send it to me is that I am creating a handout of materials that will go to the Ohio Adult Parole Authority and the Governor. The Board will actually hold the hearing, and make a recommendation to the Governor, the final decision maker on clemency. In order to have all the materials I need, the letters of support must be in my hands NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 17, 2009.
Read Kathleen McGarry's Letter and Details of Darryl Durr's case here