Darryl Durr # 207889
878 Coitsville - Hubbard Road
OH 44505 USA
Carmen Marino prosecuted Darryl. Marino won seven death sentences in the 1980s. He says he never lied or hid evidence. But Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul said Marino should be criminally prosecuted for the abuses. "It's nothing but one deceitful act after another," Gaul said. "To permit anyone to be put to death after being prosecuted by Carmen Marino would be so ethically inappropriate you'd almost be culpable yourself."
I have reviewed your case and I find overwhelming evidence of your use of a dog chain to kill the sixteen year old girl . Part of the evidence was your admission of doing so . What makes you so special that you deserve to live and she didn't ?
GOODBYE Shit Skin.
One less Obama voter oh wait im sure you were a Felon since you were 15 , so you cant vote.
One less welfare recepiant.
One less drain on society.
One less bastard baby you will have
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